So you're not shopping on Thanksgiving?

I applaud you.  It must take a lot of guts to repost a picture taking a stand against shopping.  But let me tell you something; Walmart is not trolling Facebook, looking at your photos.  Target did not see your picture and think, "well, I guess we should change our plans."

Since you feel so bad for those workers, maybe on Thanksgiving you should also consider not getting robbed or sick, and don't even think about starting a fire with that beautiful turkey.  In fact maybe you shouldn't use your oven at all, just in case.  Then firefighters and paramedics can have the day off as well.  Doctors, nurses, policemen; they can all spend the whole day with their families.

Now I know, comparing people working to save our lives with those who are just obligated to sell us this year's hottest toy is very different.  But at the core they are all the same, they are all people.  What about the people who work in theaters so you can go to the Holiday premiere of your favorite movie?  I don't see anyone having a problem with that.  Or the hotel and restaurant workers there to support you when you visit family or burn your turkey?  Do we really care about the employees?  Or do we just jump at the opportunity to take a stand and follow the crowd?  Now what about this one, how many of you are also willing to not watch your team's Thanksgiving football game?  Do you know how many employees work Thanksgiving to make that game possible? (Hint: A LOT)

If you must take a stand, then take a stand.  Don't sit on your butt and post a picture. You're not changing anything that way.  If you believe in something that strongly, FIGHT for it.  Contact the companies, boycott on more than Thanksgiving Day (contrary to what you believe, they don't NEED your business on Thanksgiving, there are plenty of greedy people who will still be out shopping.)  Don't just take a stand against retail, boycott movie theaters and other unnecessary places that are open. Don't watch any football games, and definitely don't go to the game.

Do I think that anything will change?  No.  When it comes down to it our nation doesn't actually care about employees having the day off.  We care about entertainment and the money.  We care about comfort and being catered to.  We make a big deal about these individuals here, yet don't say a thing about the ones who make it possible to see our annual movie or go out for our yearly thanksgiving brunch.  We don't care about people who work so that we can sit in front of the tv for hours.  We're very selective in our fights.

So what do I propose?  If nothing is going to change, can we do anything?  Probably not.  But what if instead of staying home, we went to the stores.  What if we were there to be a smiling face, thanking the employees for working.  If we braved the crowds to give everyone working a thanksgiving card.  If all the people who value Thanksgiving are at home boycotting, who does that leave the workers to deal with?  The greedy (I know not EVERYONE shopping will be rude and greedy, but that's not the point) people who won't care a lick about the employees they are dealing with.  It's not going to be fun for them, so why can't we go cheer people up instead of just pouting that stores are open on Thanksgiving?  Leave generous tips at restaurants, or stores that allow it (stores can't regulate you leaving cards and cash on cars in the employee parking area, fyi.)  If we care about employees that have to work, lets show them we care.

For those of you who have friends and family who have to work, remember Thanksgiving isn't about the day.  Be lenient, modify your Thanksgiving plans so they can be a part of it too.  Get up earlier, so you can have dinner before they have to work.  Celebrate the day before or after.  Make it work, because you are thankful and you don't need a specific day to express that.

Let's spend less time boycotting corporations, and more time giving THANKS to the people who really matter.