First Giveaway!

You know what my favorite thing is? (Okay, maybe not my favorite but it's up there.)

Free stuff.

I don't care what it is, I just love me some free.  

And in honor of me loving free stuff, I decided to provide one of you with the best free thing of them all.  Money!!

My birthday is November 1, and in honor of that I want to give something to you!  One of you will be the lucky winner of $23 that I will send via Paypal. (You must have a paypal account to receive your prize.)

Why such a random number you ask?  Actually, you've probably figured it out.  I like to think I only have brilliant people reading my blog.  Yes, I will be turning 23.  Some people get depressed when they age, and I know some of you will claim that I'll think differently when I get older, but I honestly do not mind my age.  So what if I'm getting older?  I'm still the same me and I still like the same things.  Even if I was turning 33 or 83... Who am I to gripe because life happened as it's supposed to?  Maybe that's just me. =P

Anyways, without further ado, use the rafflecopter widget below to win one glorious dollar for every year of my life.  The giveaway ends on my birthday-- November 1, 2013.  Sorry other awesome countries, but this giveaway is only available in the US.

5 Response to "First Giveaway!"

  1. Unknown Says:


  2. Rika Says:

    Sorry Samantha! Next time I'll include you!

  3. Anonymous Says:

    Espresso Maker!

  4. XOXO, Michelle Says:

    drums! been wanting them for a long time, and finally got a set!

  5. Paula Stewart Says:

    My Grandmother's Lighter.

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